
Care Coordination

Over the last few years, navigating the healthcare system has been a daunting task for patients.  With new rules & regulations, patients must jump through hoops to obtain the care they need. The wait for pre-authorizations, referrals, appointments with a specialist, and insurance denials can at times take more time and energy than the number of resources needed to take care of a medical problem itself.

At Kermani Concierge Medicine, we believe that the best care is one where there is a Dedicated Care Coordinator to help you navigate all these pitfalls. You can rely on the Care Coordinator to become your advocate in working through any challenges no matter how big or small. Since the wait to see a specialist can at times be months down the line, your Care Coordinator will work one-on-one with the referrals department to find you a specialist with a more lenient schedule. Here, you have a whole team working for you.