

Lady sitting on a lobby thinking

What does a Care Coordinator do? ......... 

The Care Coordinator manages the logistics of your medical care, including staying in contact with pharmacies and specialists to expedite care delivery when those entities may be bogged down with demands or limitations. She is also available to work on medical requests and answer questions in an expedited fashion. This frees you from the time and frustration that can come with managing your own care.

If I have a concierge doctor versus a regular PCP, what happens if I have to go to the emergency room or am admitted?

Your provider stays in close contact with the hospitalist. Because your provider is intimately familiar with your medical history and has access to your chart, he and the hospitalist will work together in care delivery, creating a desired continuity of care.

I often have difficulty getting through to my current PCP’s office. Once I do, there is usually a long wait time to see my PCP. How is your setup different?

With a concierge model, we limit our panel size. In turn, you can see the provider within 24 business hours.

I understand that concierge care is a membership-based care plan. Once I pay my annual rate, will you still bill my insurance company?

We will not bill your insurance company for any of your visits with us. Your annual membership includes unlimited visits to the provider and access to the Care Coordinator.

If you don’t accept my insurance, will you still be able to refer me to specialists and order lab work?

Yes, we can still accommodate that.