
Concierge Medicine


What is Concierge Medicine and what are its benefits?

 Concierge Medicine is a “membership-based” model. In this model, you receive extended and expedited care that is offered above and beyond the level of care you would receive when visiting a physician in a traditional office setting. 

Your extended care will include the following: 

  • New patient appointments are scheduled as a 60-minute session
  • Returning patient appointments scheduled as a 30-minute session
  • Access to Dr. Kermani’s cell phone for after-hours and emergencies 
  • Expedited referrals- often handled by Dr. Kermani.
  • Guaranteed same-day or next-business-day appointment
  • Telehealth appointments are available Monday-Friday 9 am-8 pm
  • Close follow-up by Dr. Kermani with the hospitalist while admitted to the hospital. This will provide continuity of care as Dr. Kermani has access to your charts and is familiar with all the details of your medical needs.
  • Access to a Care Coordinator to arrange all details of your medical care
  • Being part of a patient panel size that is a fraction of the size of one in a traditional setting. This allows for all the other benefits of the plan listed above.

How can I go about getting more information? 

We offer a complimentary one-hour meet and greet with Dr. Kermani. Please contact our Care Coordinator Parissa at (725)587-7742 to schedule this appointment. You may also send us a message – from our home page a reply back.

If I sign up for the Concierge Medicine plan, will I still be able to use my insurance to pay for office visits, lab work, and specialist referrals? 

Absolutely. Concierge Medicine is an extension of care. You can think of it as insurance for 24/7 access. It does not take away the benefits of having an insurance plan that will pay for office visits, lab work, radiology, and such. 

Will my insurance company pay for the membership fee for concierge medicine? 

Insurance companies will not pay for this extended care. 

If I sign up for the concierge program and have insurance that you are in network with, will I still be responsible for co-pays and deductibles if I have any? 

Yes, you will still be responsible for co-pays and deductibles. Concierge Medicine is a membership-based program offering extended and expedited care. The membership does not nullify the financial responsibilities set forth for patients as it relates to office visits.

My parent is an established patient of Dr. Kermani’s, most often they call me when they have medical concerns. If I sign them up for Concierge Medicine, can I call on their behalf?  

If your loved one has provided us with written approval for us to discuss their medical situation, you can absolutely contact the provider on behalf of him/her.

What is the fee for Concierge Medicine? 

Our annual membership is $2500/year.

For further questions, please click here to send a message